When you use Kubernetes CLI tool: kubectl
that is installed while you installed Docker Desktop for Windows, there is a small glitch that it will fail the kubectl
commands, because of Kubeconfig file.
Let’s supposed you want to create a new cluster on AKS, as follows:
1az aks create --resource-group MyResourceGropu --name MyMicroserviceCluster --node-count 1 --enable-addons http_application_routing --generate-ssh-keys
And then you need to set that new cluster as your default cluster to work on, so you use
1az aks get-credentials --resource-group MyMicroserviceResources --name MyMicroserviceCluster
The previous command will retrieve the credentials of the newly created cluster and store it in the kubeconfig file, and make the newly cluster as the current default cluster, so any subsequent kubectl
command will run against that cluster.
If you run the previous command from WSL2 terminal, you will get the following message:
1Merged "MyMicroserviceCluster" as current context in c:\Users\<username>\.kube\config
Because Kubernetes CLI tool is installed with Docker Desktop for windows, so it default the config location to windows location.
But later any subsequent kubectl
command from WSL2 terminal, will use the linux path for kubeconfig which is ~/.kube/config
So, if you run the following command:
1kubectl config current-context
you will see that the current context still the current context in linux config file, which most probably is the default docker-desktop.
To fix the problem, you can specify the config file as environment variable KUBECONFIG.
So modify the profile file ~/.profile by adding the following:
1export KUBECONFIG=/mnt/c/Users/<windows user>/.kube/config
This will point the config file to the windows config file.